Hello, It's me
And I'm a
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About me

Actually it's Sakar Chaulagain and I'm

I am originally from Kageshwori Monahara-1,KTM. I was graduated from Bayoca Community school. I completed my +2 from Manakamana Secondary English School. Now, I am currently Studying in Jaya Multiple Campus Which is Under T.U.

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My Projects

Here are some of my projects which i have tried myself.


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Frankly, I don't have any specific project for this. But here's one that i have made with my friends.


Recently I've just started using python, so to be honest I dont have any project using python. In future I will upload some of works.

NOTE: These all projects aren't professional and good looking because I made them just as practice. If you are using mobile or laptop some projects might be unattractive because of being irresposive with mobile and tablet. So I recommend to use desktop to view My Projects.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

As being a beginner I don't have much knowledge about such programming languages. I've just started taking online class to gain more knowledges on such languages. But I've good knowledge on Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML) and CSS. Not only HTML&CSS,I also have knowledge on My SQL, Photoshop, Git and GitHub.

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HTML 80%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 30%
My SQL 40%
Photoshop 30%

Contact me

Get in Touch

If you want any help, suggestion from me or you want to share you creative ideas and skill with me. Feel free to message directly or through social media handle. Please add today's date on right side.

Sakar Chaulagain
Kageshwori Manohara (Gagalphedi-1),ktm
Text me